Selqet protecting Tutankamen's Shrine, Egypt. "Egyptian goddess Serket. She is often depicted as a woman with a scorpion gracing her crown. She holds the ankh, the symbol of life, in one hand and a staff, representing power, in the other." (WIkipedia)
Selqet protecting Tutankhamun’s Shrine, Egypt. “Egyptian goddess Serket. She is often depicted as a woman with a scorpion gracing her crown. She holds the ankh, the symbol of life, in one hand and a staff, representing power, in the other.” (WIkipedia)

“There is an ability, or the need, here to read spiritual understandings into concrete, everyday objects.

Several different aspects can be combined to result in a truly wise outcome, piercing through appearances to see the inherent truth of a situation and bring abstract truths into reality.”

~Linda Hill, Sabian Symbols (October 20, 2014)

We’re living in powerful, intense times, with myriad shifts and dynamics stirring the cauldron of transformation, inside and out.

We’re being alchemized. Are you feeling it yet?

And, in turn, we become agents of alchemy in the greater ‘shared field’. (See my recent Empaths & M-Fields post for  more on that.)

One ancient archetype and consciousness of intense transformation is the Egyptian Selqet, associated with the deeper mysteries, magic, and a fierce protectiveness. Her symbols or totems include the Scorpion — symbol of Underworld or initiatory transformation and regeneration, as well as the Ankh and staff of Life and power, respectively.

The Love Potion, 1903, by Evelyn Pickering De Morgan.
The Love Potion, 1903, by Evelyn Pickering De Morgan.

Selqet (also called Serket in some versions of the ancient Egyptian stories) was the facet of the Divine who presided over the deeper Mysteries of death, rebirth, and regeneration, but also Magic, Wisdom, and Mystery itself.

So Selqet speaks to the ways we work with the forces and currents of Life itself;  the ethic and purpose we might have in such work; and, if we’re fortunate, the Wisdom (gnosis) we gain (and share) from our experience.

In the old stories, Selqet helped the Great Goddess Isis to hide and protect the wee Horus, the Child, from those with venomous, malefic intent who were searching for him all throughout the marshlands.

Green Sophia, by Daniel Mirante, contributing artist to the Artists Envisioning the Divine project. Learn more about the Artists Envisioning the Divine Project at the link below this post.
Green Sophia, by Daniel Mirante, contributing artist to the Artists Envisioning the Divine project. Learn more about the Artists Envisioning the Divine Project at the link below this post.

That makes Selqet a master Magi/Magia of the marshes, which symbolize the liminal, the in-between, the shamanic realms.

She guides all of us who are, in some way, mediators between the energetic and psychic marshlands, the liminal, and what Tolkien called Middle Earth.

Selqet’s totems include the scorpion and the snake, symbols of mystery, Wisdom, and magic from ancient times.

And these very symbols have also been long associated with the deep, ancient, wise Feminine mysteries — the terrain of Selqet, yes, and also the Black Madonna, Cerridwen, and She by many other names over the eons and in many cultures.

Plus, Selqet was associated with the healing of venomous stings and bites — energetic and psychic protection and medicine for those living and working in environments and times where the malefic and toxic often pollute the pool with Psychic Vomit (aka psychic and energetic mal or attacks), so to speak.

So it’s an interesting energetic and psychic alchemy in play right now.

Dream Idyll - A Valkyrie, 1902, by Edward Robert Hughes.
Dream Idyll – A Valkyrie, 1902, by Edward Robert Hughes.

At the New Moon in Scorpio — or any Scorpio-Pluto-intensive time — we have the Scorpio Mysteries intensifying.

The various planets and cosmic bodies, with their unique energies and archetypes, lend their own essences to an alchemical brew that can have effects that reach weeks, or even months, into the future.

We can, as always, choose to work more consciously with prevailing macro- and micro-energies and conditions, or be worked over or pulled (or pushed) along by the prevailing energies and dynamics.

Sometimes it’s a mixture of both, even for those who are pretty well practiced and discerning.

Still, awareness helps response-ability, so we’re not spewing ‘psychic vomit’ or ‘reacting all over the place.’

“You can either be pulled by a compelling and soul-aligned vision, or pushed by the pain caused by clinging and old, outworn conditioning.”

As ever in these transformative times, there are challenging energetics — sensitizing, psychic, intense, emotion-stirring, and perhaps more than a bit uncomfortable if we’re not used to holding that tension (and thus prone to those outbursts and a bit of tantrum yoga).

The Lady of Shalott (1886-1905) by William Holman Hunt (Image courtesy of WikiCommons)
The Lady of Shalott (1886-1905) by William Holman Hunt (Image courtesy of WikiCommons)

“When you bring consciousness to anything, things begin to shift.” ~ Eve Ensler

So let’s opt to bring consciousness to whatever is stirring and whatever that stirs up in us let’s intend to and practice bringing discernment and a spirit of creative adventure to the energetics that are afoot, and more intentionally invite in Divine Guidance and inner wisdom to shed light in the darkness and work through us in more helpful (rather than malefic) ways.

With Scorpio — and the other players in the energetic-archetypal brew in which we live, breathe, and have our being — we have themes that focus on reverence, blessing, vision questing, psychic sensitivity, and rituals that stir reverence, blessing, courage, energy and psychic wellbeing, and restore Spirit.

We also see themes of that Scorpionic, shamanic transformation.

Whatever stirs the pot often stirs the fear, so bringing awareness to Lizard Brain triggers and resourceful responses, energy hygiene, and other helpful remembrances and practices is, as always, timely.

Revisit the Sophia’s Children article Out of Fear Spin and Into the Heart, Illuminated for inspiration, and the Empaths & Sensitives Series as well — Scorpio energetics are nothing if not sensitive and sensitizing.

“Things only seem impossible because we haven’t yet factored in Magic.” ~ Caroline Casey

tumblr_m9f2kx6kmV1rq9jvzo1_500[1]My suggestion (for myself as well as anyone else who might be so inclined)?

• Allow yourself some space and time to relax into the liminal — something that requires quiet, stillness, and in our digital age of perpetual stimulation, a degree of fierce commitment and patience as well.

• Invite Divine Guidance and your own inner Wisdom.

Ask that the way be illuminated and the magic shown.

Ask to be shown a soul-aligned vision for your life — or vision-bits that show the overall theme and next step.

Then pay attention to what arises within and around you. It’s not about perfection, but more about exploration and creative engagement.

Or as I sometimes do, ask the Divine to illuminate clues and insights on what has joy, heart, and meaning for you — and where that joy meets the world’s deep need.

There are many ways to work with a deeply magical and mystery-rich Scorpionic times, and the very liminal Season of the Dark, Deep Feminine.

These are just a few ‘breadcrumb path’ suggestions to get you started.

You’ll find a lot more inspiration and liminal-gifts-stirring musings in the links shared in this piece, and in the ‘reader favorite’ Sophia’s Children Deep Feminine Series.

You can get more personalized inspiration and insight with the coaching, consultation, and Sophiastrology reading options.

Wishing you rich insight, and joyful meaning revealed.

Big Love,

The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)
The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)

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Labyrinth image credit: Green labyrinth in Luxembourg City. PD image from Lode Van de Velde,

** Learn more about the visionary Artists Envisioning the Divine project.